Thursday, December 18, 2008


My mom: I know we sometimes slide stuff under the couch in the living room, did you look under there to see if any of your stuff found its way there? Why don't you take a look under there.

Me: (looks under couch) JESUS!

My dad: What? What's under there?

Me: Jesus. The manger Jesus.

You see, every year my mom sets out our manger set for Christmas. Usually, she doesn't set out the baby Jesus until Christmas day (because he hasn't been born yet. Get it?). This year, she put him out there with the wise men and other people on the foyer table. I joked with her that Jesus shouldn't be out yet since he hasn't been born. Apparently while I was away at school she moved him and hid him under the couch.

She hides him every year. And every year, it's under the couch.

A Nutcracker Christmas

Today, the Nutcracker movie was on the Ovation channel. I have never seen this, but I did have a book that I read as a child that told the intriguing story.

I have to ask, why is this movie not a Christmas staple? Sure, it is on stage everywhere that has major ballets during Christmastime, but I think this should be a story that is told more often. It reminds me a bit of Alice in is so strange and childish that it is entertaining to adults as well.

During the movie, my favorite part of the ballet is the Tea (Chinese dance), which is also in the film Fantasia, where tiny mushrooms dance to the tune.

Try to watch the dancing mushrooms and not smile. They are adorable.

Monday, December 1, 2008

What a wonderful World

I was reading some of the celebrity playlists posted on iTunes when I came across BB King's. When I read this, I just thought it was very inspiring, especially to read it from an 80-something year old musician who has seen so much of the world.

"What a Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong)": "It seems to me that everything we've talked about, at the moment, has been a personal thing to me. Now at almost 80 years old I look around and I see, like in that song 'I hear babies cry and then I think to myself what a wonderful world' because these children that are being born today, growing up today, will learn much more than I'll never know, and that's a fact. And then the way Louis sings, he didn't have a beautiful voice to some. But to me it was...that gravel voice, no one had one like it."
