Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Airline Ticket Prices and how they are different

I found this article online and laughed out loud for a solid 3 minutes. And I am just talking about the first picture of the airplane.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A wondrous discovery

Recently I bought a new computer for work use, since my old one sounds like a car engine when it is on, and suffice it to say may not work in a month.

Unfortunately, unless I wanna buy one of those 7 inch baby screen laptops, all new Windows computers have Windows 7.

To that, I say, "Change is bad."

Today, though, while doing some work on my new laptop, I made this exciting discovery. So exciting that I dedicate a blog post solely to the "show desktop" button.

You have no idea how much easier this makes life for me.

However, it took me about 10 minutes in this new version of PAINT to be able to make that image.