Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Wanna go for a walk?!"

So my uncle sent me this link of a super extreme hike in Spain, joking that I should do it the next time I head to Spain.

The 2:18-2:40 mark is my favorite.

I responded to my uncle by saying "knowing my daredevil dad, we've done similar or far worse feats on our family vacations."

It's brother hopped onto an unsupported 40 foot rock pillar at age 12 at The Fiery Furnace in Utah. My mom was freaking out.

Or there was the time my dad and my brother went hiking and stashed their water bottles throughout the desert to retrieve later...then took an entirely different route home, without access to water for several hours in high heat. This ended in their bursting into the closest convenience store at the end of the hike and standing in the beverage aisle, chugging several full bottles of Gatorade without taking a breath. Between bottles, they managed to gasp out to the sales clerk "don't worry...we pay for these."

Or...there was the time we went surfing in shark-infested waters in Kauai. Or that same day, when Eric and my dad went surfing straight into a large coral formation, emerging from the saltwater with bleeding shins and wounded limbs, their faces plastered with prideful grins from the awesome wave they had caught.

Or there was the time in 2009 we went running down scree in Glacier National Park to see who could get to the parking lot first.

Or there was the time Eric and I climbed into a cave in Ohio only to find hundreds of bats sleeping in the darkness, and I rushed out of there so quickly that I smacked my head on the cave ceiling, literally chopping the hair on my crown off, and leaving bleeding gash.

So really, I could totally see myself doing this.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A homophone to think about!

I have discovered a new homophone (group of words that sound the same but mean different things)!

The end.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Antonio, Barcelona, Carmen, it's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

The "spelling alphabet" is an alphabet used by the army or navy or radio people to communicate the spelling of things without them being confused for other letters.
Like "d" and "b" sound the same when read aloud, but won't be mistaken if you say "delta" and "bravo."

You most likely have heard of these in movies before. Or, if you are like me, you recognize them from the N64 video game "Rainbow Six."

What intrigues me is that in other languages, the words are different. I mean, obviously Spaniards aren't going to use the "alpha, bravo, charlie" alphabet we use, so they use their "antonio, barcelona, carmen" one. I saw this on wikipedia while browsing links from the creepy "numbers stations" article due to a recent Fringe episode I saw, and it was pretty interesting to see what words they use to refer to the letters of the alphabet. They seem to have an obsession with first names and cities, whereas we use...random stuff.
See the chart at the link below...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I seriously JUST shoveled.

My driveway is being covered by The Fast and the Furious: Snowkyo Drift.