Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's all been done

Why do all teen shows think they are original?

And I watch MANY teen shows, so I should know.

All the shows that have no twist, that are just about teens in general (90210, Gossip Girl, the OC, One Tree Hill, Degrassi, Dawson's Creek, My So-Called Life, etc) are really going nowhere in the world of cutting edge entertainment.

We, the audience, have seen everything. You can't surprise us. For the past 20 years or so, teen shows have thrived. Many have shared storylines. Even if you combine these so-called "intense" storylines, it will not be mind-blowingly surprising.

Therefore, when 90210 says it's gonna be different, it's gonna be hot, sexy, provocative, I somewhat disagree. I am sure it will be the first two things, but the last one? Provocative doesn't even exist anymore. I have seen characters in teen shows commit suicide, blow up a school, have sex, come out of the closet, cheat on their boy/girlfriends, have car accidents, wear skanky clothes to school, smoke weed, snort cocaine, take ecstasy, take barbituates, steal drugs, drink, give oral sex, get stalked, deal with racism, become anorexic, have affairs with their teachers, stab someone, get pregnant, have an abortion, get raped, have abusive family, have abusive boyfriends, get discriminated for religion, become a rock star, have cancer, become paralyzed, deal with bipolar disorder, expose themself to a video camera, then have it spread across the school, street race, go to prison, be in gangs, punch each other, post sexy photos on the internet, become a stripper, start a band, almost become a prostitute, become engaged, and more.

And this was only on ONE SHOW (degrassi of course).

I. Have. Literally. Seen. Everything.


Do you not get this? There are no more subjects to cover!

I am surprised Degrassi lasted this long only repeating a FEW storylines! How did they come up with so many!?

So, 90210, don't tell me you will be shocking. Don't tell me there will be stuff I've never seen before. Unless you are showing porn or something, you really can't surprise me on what you will show on national television.

This is not to say, of course, that I won't watch 90210.
Shenae Grimes is gonna be on it...and she's my favorite character from Degrassi. So I will definitely tune in so I can yawn.

As for Gossip Girl: why do people think this is a super provocative show? Teens having sex has happened in other shows before. MANY shows before. Why is this so new?

That is all.