I just made a discovery while visiting the Skins e4 website (a british tv show and channel). There was an ad for Dove deodorant, but it was spray on.
And I realized: Europeans use spray deodorant! And Americans use stick deodorant! Seriously, how many Americans do you know have spray deodorant?
I thought it was interesting.
sadly, that's all I have to say on my 100th post.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
cultural differences,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Mashup suggestion
Someone needs to make a fantastic mashuup of "Eminence front" by the Who and "19-200 remix" by Gorillaz.
DJs, get on that.
If anyone knows of this in existence, please tell me. This is meant for music history.
DJs, get on that.
If anyone knows of this in existence, please tell me. This is meant for music history.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
But I DID find what I was looking for!
When I was in Spain, I heard several times the song "I still haven't found what I'm looking for" by the band U2...only it was in Spanish.
I looked online a hundred times for this version of Bono singing Spanish to no avail.
Then I searched today, and found the exact translation of the title (TODAVIA NO ENCONTRE LO QUE ESTOY BUSCANDO) and alas! I found it on Youtube.
I first heard it on the busride to Barcelona, and I was humming along until I realized the lyrics were in Spanish. I really wanted that version.
Well, I thought it was U2 performing it on the bus radio, but it was actually a band called "Airbag" that covered it. But, it was a noisy bus and the instrumental aspect of the song sounded the same, so SUE me if I thought the following was performed by U2.
I looked online a hundred times for this version of Bono singing Spanish to no avail.
Then I searched today, and found the exact translation of the title (TODAVIA NO ENCONTRE LO QUE ESTOY BUSCANDO) and alas! I found it on Youtube.
I first heard it on the busride to Barcelona, and I was humming along until I realized the lyrics were in Spanish. I really wanted that version.
Well, I thought it was U2 performing it on the bus radio, but it was actually a band called "Airbag" that covered it. But, it was a noisy bus and the instrumental aspect of the song sounded the same, so SUE me if I thought the following was performed by U2.
Spinnin' Discs
I came across the existence of DJ Hero via the Bleepbloopblog www.bleepbloopblog.tumblr.com . I am a huge fan of Jeff Rubin from CollegeHumor, and thus a huge fan of this videogame blog (it's one word now, he said it!).
I went a-searchin' online since I knew a complete song listing was available for Rock Bandhttp://www.rockband.com/music/songs .
I came across this: http://www.djhero.com/music , where you can listen to all of the mixes from the new game.
All I have to say is: GENIUS.
Beck's "loser" and Eminem's "My Name is" is a good one, as well as the mix of Third Eye Blind's "Semi-Charmed Life" and Jackson 5's "I Want You Back."
And, always a fan of HOVA, Jay-Z's "IZZO" and Jackson 5's "I want you back" (which Jay already sampled in his song) is great, too.
I went a-searchin' online since I knew a complete song listing was available for Rock Bandhttp://www.rockband.com/music/songs .
I came across this: http://www.djhero.com/music , where you can listen to all of the mixes from the new game.
All I have to say is: GENIUS.
Beck's "loser" and Eminem's "My Name is" is a good one, as well as the mix of Third Eye Blind's "Semi-Charmed Life" and Jackson 5's "I Want You Back."
And, always a fan of HOVA, Jay-Z's "IZZO" and Jackson 5's "I want you back" (which Jay already sampled in his song) is great, too.
DJ Hero,
jeff rubin,
rock band,
video games
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Scariest Things I Encountered as a Kid
I saw this top ten list on wired.com, of the top ten things scariest things that they watched as a kid.
I was reading through it and decided to follow suit, stretching to movies and games.
10. Gollum from the animated Hobbit movie
Yes, this is just like on Andrew Cardon's list. As I read that, I remembered this exactly. We own this on VHS, and I remember not wanting to watch it as much as my older brother did because this scared the crap out of me. So sinister, so eerie and evil.
9. The black goo from Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland
Man, I haven't seen this movie in years. What I remember is a little boy who sleeps a lot on a bed that is a bit like a magic carpet that takes him places. This movie had everything: a (literally) giant train conductor with a toy train, a seemingly drunk clown (voiced by Mickey Rooney) and a flying bed. There are happy moments and adventurous moments (I think I remember a train driving through his home at one point, but perhaps that was another movie). There are also moments that are scary as hell! Especially this one part where this black goo takes over in a sinister way...much like the monster from LOST, but animated version and more liquidy.
(scroll to 4:25)
8. The wheelies in Return to OZ
One night in the nineties, I was watching the Disney Channel. Apparently, back then, something as sinister as Return to OZ was able to find screen time on this channel. If you are unfamiliar, Return to OZ is a sequel to the famous Wizard movie, starring a young Fairuza Balk as Dorothy. The girl is in a mental institution for her crazy claims of going to OZ ("treated" by electro-shock a la One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest), she ends up going back to OZ and encounters a headless queen and these crazy wheelie things that are the nightmarish equivalent to the flying monkeys. The fact that this was (I think) made for children is scary in itself.
7. The ghosts in Nancy Drew and the Haunted Mansion computer game
First off, let me just say how much I love the ND computer games. They are tons of fun and still are challenging to me now, years after I first discovered them at my library. Well, I remember back when I first started playing these, and I think the Haunted Mansion one may have been the 2nd or 3rd one I ever played. NONE were as scary as this. Seriously. Of course, because it is in a haunted mansion, there has to be scary stuff that happens. In the first-person game, you walk through the house and click on various interactive objects. However, sometimes in this game, you would be walking through the hall and a ghostly image of a woman would appear in a mirror accompanied by an eerie wail! Or I remember one distinct part on the staircase when I was looking at a picture frame and a booming voice yelled something, amidst the otherwise quiet game soundtrack. Scared the crap out of me.
6. The floating bodies in the Titanic: adventure out of time game
Speaking of video games, this awesome Titanic game also puts you in first person, in a flashback of someone from the 40s who tries to go back in time and prevent what happened in the ship's final hours. It has really great graphics, and (trivia!) these graphics are actually used in many documentaries about the ship, because they are such accurate replications of what it looked like! Anywho. Towards the end of the game, when the clock begins to tick to the ship's fate, you hit the iceberg and there is a short montage of people screaming on the ship and then there is a scene, underwater, of two dead bodies of drowned victims. Seriously?! I thought this was rated E for everyone!!! Actually, I think it was released way ahead of those ratings. But it was ahead of its time and still is fun today. PS: I completely forgot about the guy who dies in the Turkish Bath by electrocution! THAT WAS SCARY AS HELL!
5. The entire movie of Titanic
Speaking of the famous ship, this movie was pretty traumatizing for me as well. The movie came out when I was in 3rd grade or so, but because of all the hype, I insisted on watching the movie. All was fine during the intermission when we switched VHS tapes (!) but after taking out the second tape, I remember being scared to go to sleep. I mean, I was like, 9, and I just watched a movie where thousands of people either froze to death or drowned. I remember that month after the movie: no sweet dreams at all. Yes, I was sitting up in bed for nearly a month after watching this movie ONCE, due to the traumatizing deaths.
4. The doll girl from the one episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark
The Tale of the Doll Maker was one of the most creepy episodes of this show. Hell, the opening credits to this show scared me alone. But I have rewatched a lot of these episodes recently, and a lot have lost the scary factor. But, this one is still creepy. I think full-grown adults would think this is creepy. A girl gets trapped in a doll house and she slowly gets turned into a doll. The part where she pulls out her now-porcelain arm is scary as crap! But, in the end, all is happy again. PS: (Trivia!) Joanna Garcia is one of the campfire crew...
3. A series of scary story books that I can't recall the name of...
I used to read a ton of scary stories as a kid. This series was my favorite, because they weren't about zombies, vampires, or ghosts, but instead they were about various other creepy things. In one story, a girl gets rid of mice in her house by pushing the mouse cage (live mouse inside) into a trash can filled with water, then puts on the lid until it drowns. Eventually, the girl is attacked by a multitude of mice, who corner her to her pool, then proceed to crawl on the auto-close cover for the pool. She dies in a larger version of the way she kills the mice.
In another story, a smart student at school notices a drop in grades. Since the teachers grade on a bell curve, there is a benefit to the okay students if everyone else is dumber. A kid catches on to this and concocts a spray that causes people's brain power to drop dramatically, making them stupid and therefore causing them to die in absurd ways (like not being able to avoid oncoming traffic). The main character had allergies so she never inhaled the spray, but in the end she stupidly takes medicine, clearing up her nostrils and causing her to inhale the poison. She dies by walking into oncoming traffic.
But even though they were creepy and scary, they were enjoyable. If only I could remember what they were called!
2. The illustrations in the book "Scary Stories to tell in the dark."
Again, I loved scary stories. But these books creeped me out. The stories weren't even that sinister, but the drawings sure were. Their watery, ink-dripped sketches had such an unearthly feel that I felt scared just holding the books when I was alone. Someone ALWAYS had to be in the room with me. You know, in case those pictures came to life.

1. The POD PEOPLE from The Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (1978)
I didn't even see the movie in its entirety but I remember the distinct fear that I felt after seeing part of it on TV. Pods of aliens that ate people in a mucusy shell? SCARY. The hollow, throaty scream of the aliens as they point at their next victims? NIGHTMARISH. Looking back, though, I wonder if I was more scared of the aliens, or the macabre mug of Jeff Goldblum.
I was reading through it and decided to follow suit, stretching to movies and games.
10. Gollum from the animated Hobbit movie
Yes, this is just like on Andrew Cardon's list. As I read that, I remembered this exactly. We own this on VHS, and I remember not wanting to watch it as much as my older brother did because this scared the crap out of me. So sinister, so eerie and evil.
9. The black goo from Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland
Man, I haven't seen this movie in years. What I remember is a little boy who sleeps a lot on a bed that is a bit like a magic carpet that takes him places. This movie had everything: a (literally) giant train conductor with a toy train, a seemingly drunk clown (voiced by Mickey Rooney) and a flying bed. There are happy moments and adventurous moments (I think I remember a train driving through his home at one point, but perhaps that was another movie). There are also moments that are scary as hell! Especially this one part where this black goo takes over in a sinister way...much like the monster from LOST, but animated version and more liquidy.
(scroll to 4:25)
8. The wheelies in Return to OZ
One night in the nineties, I was watching the Disney Channel. Apparently, back then, something as sinister as Return to OZ was able to find screen time on this channel. If you are unfamiliar, Return to OZ is a sequel to the famous Wizard movie, starring a young Fairuza Balk as Dorothy. The girl is in a mental institution for her crazy claims of going to OZ ("treated" by electro-shock a la One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest), she ends up going back to OZ and encounters a headless queen and these crazy wheelie things that are the nightmarish equivalent to the flying monkeys. The fact that this was (I think) made for children is scary in itself.
7. The ghosts in Nancy Drew and the Haunted Mansion computer game
First off, let me just say how much I love the ND computer games. They are tons of fun and still are challenging to me now, years after I first discovered them at my library. Well, I remember back when I first started playing these, and I think the Haunted Mansion one may have been the 2nd or 3rd one I ever played. NONE were as scary as this. Seriously. Of course, because it is in a haunted mansion, there has to be scary stuff that happens. In the first-person game, you walk through the house and click on various interactive objects. However, sometimes in this game, you would be walking through the hall and a ghostly image of a woman would appear in a mirror accompanied by an eerie wail! Or I remember one distinct part on the staircase when I was looking at a picture frame and a booming voice yelled something, amidst the otherwise quiet game soundtrack. Scared the crap out of me.
6. The floating bodies in the Titanic: adventure out of time game
Speaking of video games, this awesome Titanic game also puts you in first person, in a flashback of someone from the 40s who tries to go back in time and prevent what happened in the ship's final hours. It has really great graphics, and (trivia!) these graphics are actually used in many documentaries about the ship, because they are such accurate replications of what it looked like! Anywho. Towards the end of the game, when the clock begins to tick to the ship's fate, you hit the iceberg and there is a short montage of people screaming on the ship and then there is a scene, underwater, of two dead bodies of drowned victims. Seriously?! I thought this was rated E for everyone!!! Actually, I think it was released way ahead of those ratings. But it was ahead of its time and still is fun today. PS: I completely forgot about the guy who dies in the Turkish Bath by electrocution! THAT WAS SCARY AS HELL!
5. The entire movie of Titanic
Speaking of the famous ship, this movie was pretty traumatizing for me as well. The movie came out when I was in 3rd grade or so, but because of all the hype, I insisted on watching the movie. All was fine during the intermission when we switched VHS tapes (!) but after taking out the second tape, I remember being scared to go to sleep. I mean, I was like, 9, and I just watched a movie where thousands of people either froze to death or drowned. I remember that month after the movie: no sweet dreams at all. Yes, I was sitting up in bed for nearly a month after watching this movie ONCE, due to the traumatizing deaths.
4. The doll girl from the one episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark
The Tale of the Doll Maker was one of the most creepy episodes of this show. Hell, the opening credits to this show scared me alone. But I have rewatched a lot of these episodes recently, and a lot have lost the scary factor. But, this one is still creepy. I think full-grown adults would think this is creepy. A girl gets trapped in a doll house and she slowly gets turned into a doll. The part where she pulls out her now-porcelain arm is scary as crap! But, in the end, all is happy again. PS: (Trivia!) Joanna Garcia is one of the campfire crew...
3. A series of scary story books that I can't recall the name of...
I used to read a ton of scary stories as a kid. This series was my favorite, because they weren't about zombies, vampires, or ghosts, but instead they were about various other creepy things. In one story, a girl gets rid of mice in her house by pushing the mouse cage (live mouse inside) into a trash can filled with water, then puts on the lid until it drowns. Eventually, the girl is attacked by a multitude of mice, who corner her to her pool, then proceed to crawl on the auto-close cover for the pool. She dies in a larger version of the way she kills the mice.
In another story, a smart student at school notices a drop in grades. Since the teachers grade on a bell curve, there is a benefit to the okay students if everyone else is dumber. A kid catches on to this and concocts a spray that causes people's brain power to drop dramatically, making them stupid and therefore causing them to die in absurd ways (like not being able to avoid oncoming traffic). The main character had allergies so she never inhaled the spray, but in the end she stupidly takes medicine, clearing up her nostrils and causing her to inhale the poison. She dies by walking into oncoming traffic.
But even though they were creepy and scary, they were enjoyable. If only I could remember what they were called!
2. The illustrations in the book "Scary Stories to tell in the dark."
Again, I loved scary stories. But these books creeped me out. The stories weren't even that sinister, but the drawings sure were. Their watery, ink-dripped sketches had such an unearthly feel that I felt scared just holding the books when I was alone. Someone ALWAYS had to be in the room with me. You know, in case those pictures came to life.
1. The POD PEOPLE from The Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (1978)
I didn't even see the movie in its entirety but I remember the distinct fear that I felt after seeing part of it on TV. Pods of aliens that ate people in a mucusy shell? SCARY. The hollow, throaty scream of the aliens as they point at their next victims? NIGHTMARISH. Looking back, though, I wonder if I was more scared of the aliens, or the macabre mug of Jeff Goldblum.
nancy drew,
return to oz,
video games,
Friday, October 30, 2009
Halloween Playlist!!!
Yes, I love many kinds of music.
This is evident in this Halloween playlist I made for the October holiday.
Even if you don't share my EXACT tastes, I know you'll find some good tunes here.
I'm Your Boogie Man--KC and The Sunshine Band
Fresh Blood--The Eels
Moondance--Van Morrison
Werewolves of London--Warren Zevon
Black River Killer--Blitzen Trapper
Perhaps Vampires a bit strong but...--Arctic Monkeys
Lucretia MacEvil--Blood Sweat and Tears
Ghost Riders in the Sky--Blues Brothers (I think it's better than the Johnny Cash version)
Season of the witch--Dr. John (again from Blues Brothers, right when they're driving through the swamp. Much more sinister than the Donovan version, and perfect for a Halloween party!)
Tombstone Blues--Bob Dylan
Mack the Knife--Bobby Darin (sure, the tune sounds pleasant, but he IS singing about a serial killer!)
This is evident in this Halloween playlist I made for the October holiday.
Even if you don't share my EXACT tastes, I know you'll find some good tunes here.
I'm Your Boogie Man--KC and The Sunshine Band
Fresh Blood--The Eels
Moondance--Van Morrison
Werewolves of London--Warren Zevon
Black River Killer--Blitzen Trapper
Perhaps Vampires a bit strong but...--Arctic Monkeys
Lucretia MacEvil--Blood Sweat and Tears
Ghost Riders in the Sky--Blues Brothers (I think it's better than the Johnny Cash version)
Season of the witch--Dr. John (again from Blues Brothers, right when they're driving through the swamp. Much more sinister than the Donovan version, and perfect for a Halloween party!)
Tombstone Blues--Bob Dylan
Mack the Knife--Bobby Darin (sure, the tune sounds pleasant, but he IS singing about a serial killer!)
american werewolf in london,
blues brothers,
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wow, a lot of people know that Nickleback sucks then
Collegehumor.com compiled all vandalism edits to the Nickleback wikipedia page over the course of a few years.
Some of my favorites:
Historians used to agree the Crusades were the most prolonged suffering in human history, until Nickelback released a second single.
Nickelback has only ever written the music to one song, they keep changing the lyrics to it.
The vacuum created by Nickleback's sucking has more force than a black hole.
Nickelback is a comedy group formed in Hanna, Alberta...
Nickelback is a horrible, uncalled for, and irrivately disgusting rock band formed in Hanna, Alberta...
Genres: Rock, alternative suck
Members: Chad Kroeger, Duke Nukem...
Nickelback plans to take a (hopefully permanent) hiatus from touring...
Category: No Bueno. Comment: Why did God give me ears if this band exists?
Category: History. Comment: Nickelback is widely hated and considered the worst band in history.
They are also the worst band on planet earth, the kind of band only followed by the types of kids in high school who desperately wanted to sit at the cool table and only was [sic] able to do so by purchasing soda for said cool kids.
Nickelback won a World Music Award on November 15th 2007...This is ridiculous! WHO LET THIS HAPPEN?!
Usually I am not a fan of stupid vandalist banter. But when it's cleverly written, I love it.
Some of my favorites:
Historians used to agree the Crusades were the most prolonged suffering in human history, until Nickelback released a second single.
Nickelback has only ever written the music to one song, they keep changing the lyrics to it.
The vacuum created by Nickleback's sucking has more force than a black hole.
Nickelback is a comedy group formed in Hanna, Alberta...
Nickelback is a horrible, uncalled for, and irrivately disgusting rock band formed in Hanna, Alberta...
Genres: Rock, alternative suck
Members: Chad Kroeger, Duke Nukem...
Nickelback plans to take a (hopefully permanent) hiatus from touring...
Category: No Bueno. Comment: Why did God give me ears if this band exists?
Category: History. Comment: Nickelback is widely hated and considered the worst band in history.
They are also the worst band on planet earth, the kind of band only followed by the types of kids in high school who desperately wanted to sit at the cool table and only was [sic] able to do so by purchasing soda for said cool kids.
Nickelback won a World Music Award on November 15th 2007...This is ridiculous! WHO LET THIS HAPPEN?!
Usually I am not a fan of stupid vandalist banter. But when it's cleverly written, I love it.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Thought of the day...
If I found a quarter today, I'd think to myself "This week I MAY do laundry, because 1/9th of it is paid for."
Otherwise, laundry is not usually done very often.
Otherwise, laundry is not usually done very often.
finding stuff,
thought of the day
Monday, June 22, 2009
It don't matter if you're black or white...
I sometimes get very frustrated with my school because one of their big values is diversity.
Now, don't get me wrong, I think it's great to have diversity, but I feel that the approach is somewhat annoying.
I remember discussing this in my sociology class sophomore year, and I mentioned that I feel that our school pushes diversity in a way like "you're white, so go eat lunch with a black person! LOOK! DIVERSITY! How cultured!"
I feel as though they force interactions between "racial and ethnic groups" that really should come naturally. I won't be specific, but I think my group of friends is "diverse" and I don't think race should be a prime focus of our relationships.
Some of this frustration came out again when my school sent out a graduation survey (funny, I still have another year...) and asked this question:
To what extent have you experienced the following with students from a racial/ethnic group other than your own? Very Often, Often, Sometimes, Seldom, or Never
a. Dined or shared a meal
b. Had meaningful and honest discussions about race/ethnic relations outside of class
c. Had guarded interactions
d. Shared personal feelings and problems
e. Had tense, somewhat hostile interactions
f. Had intellectual discussions outside of class
g. Felt insulted or threatened because of your race/ethnicity
h. Studied or prepared for class
i. Attended events sponsored by other racial/ethnic groups
For the explained reasons above, the first question, A, bothered me. Who cares if I have eaten lunch with a black person or a Chinese person or a Persian person or Columbian person? I don't want to sound like "hey, I am great in this way so you should all be like me," but really I don't think about those things when I am eating with friends. I don't take the time to think "wow, how great is it that I can sit here and enjoy a meal with a Korean! GREAT!" You know what I mean? Like, why ask this question to put it in my mind so I will now think about it?
Then, the E question also bothered me. I feel like by placing this choice in the context of the question, the survey is somehow assuming that if I were to say yes, this has happened, that the tension was caused by race for some reason. I think the only "hostile interactions" I have had were with roommates, and once with a girl in the sociology class (something about stay at home moms, i just remember her getting defensive over something that no one was attacking her on...). So, if these people were a different race or ethnic group, should I mark "sometimes" for this topic? Does it really matter what kind of person I had these conversations with? If it was about cups in the shared kitchenette or stay at home moms, why should I try to think back if I ever had an argument with someone of a different "race or ethnic group" if that part had NOTHING to do with the argument?
In that sociology class, we also discussed "racial and ethnic groups" and in a week long discussion basically determined that they don't actually exist. As in, people say these things to put people in categories, therefore making it easier for them to make generalizations, either for stereotypes or market research or whatever reason.
Therefore, I feel like asking a question like this just draws more attention to the differences people have than trying to bring them together. This was a big theme we came up with in class, and I still don't really know my full opinion on it. Ignore peoples differences (and therefore end the discrimination and, well, focusing on peoples differences) OR ignore peoples differences (and just gloss over all the problems we have in our society by ignoring the problems we have already created)? I don't know which is worse/better.
Lets have a discussion on this...
Now, don't get me wrong, I think it's great to have diversity, but I feel that the approach is somewhat annoying.
I remember discussing this in my sociology class sophomore year, and I mentioned that I feel that our school pushes diversity in a way like "you're white, so go eat lunch with a black person! LOOK! DIVERSITY! How cultured!"
I feel as though they force interactions between "racial and ethnic groups" that really should come naturally. I won't be specific, but I think my group of friends is "diverse" and I don't think race should be a prime focus of our relationships.
Some of this frustration came out again when my school sent out a graduation survey (funny, I still have another year...) and asked this question:
To what extent have you experienced the following with students from a racial/ethnic group other than your own? Very Often, Often, Sometimes, Seldom, or Never
a. Dined or shared a meal
b. Had meaningful and honest discussions about race/ethnic relations outside of class
c. Had guarded interactions
d. Shared personal feelings and problems
e. Had tense, somewhat hostile interactions
f. Had intellectual discussions outside of class
g. Felt insulted or threatened because of your race/ethnicity
h. Studied or prepared for class
i. Attended events sponsored by other racial/ethnic groups
For the explained reasons above, the first question, A, bothered me. Who cares if I have eaten lunch with a black person or a Chinese person or a Persian person or Columbian person? I don't want to sound like "hey, I am great in this way so you should all be like me," but really I don't think about those things when I am eating with friends. I don't take the time to think "wow, how great is it that I can sit here and enjoy a meal with a Korean! GREAT!" You know what I mean? Like, why ask this question to put it in my mind so I will now think about it?
Then, the E question also bothered me. I feel like by placing this choice in the context of the question, the survey is somehow assuming that if I were to say yes, this has happened, that the tension was caused by race for some reason. I think the only "hostile interactions" I have had were with roommates, and once with a girl in the sociology class (something about stay at home moms, i just remember her getting defensive over something that no one was attacking her on...). So, if these people were a different race or ethnic group, should I mark "sometimes" for this topic? Does it really matter what kind of person I had these conversations with? If it was about cups in the shared kitchenette or stay at home moms, why should I try to think back if I ever had an argument with someone of a different "race or ethnic group" if that part had NOTHING to do with the argument?
In that sociology class, we also discussed "racial and ethnic groups" and in a week long discussion basically determined that they don't actually exist. As in, people say these things to put people in categories, therefore making it easier for them to make generalizations, either for stereotypes or market research or whatever reason.
Therefore, I feel like asking a question like this just draws more attention to the differences people have than trying to bring them together. This was a big theme we came up with in class, and I still don't really know my full opinion on it. Ignore peoples differences (and therefore end the discrimination and, well, focusing on peoples differences) OR ignore peoples differences (and just gloss over all the problems we have in our society by ignoring the problems we have already created)? I don't know which is worse/better.
Lets have a discussion on this...
Sunday, May 31, 2009
I was wondering why Indiana Beach was advertising facial injections in their radio commercials until I realized Botox rhymes with "boat docks."
Friday, May 29, 2009
Shirley on the rocks, please
"Can I see your ID please? Oh, wait, you mean Sprite and grenadine, nevermind."
--The waitress today at TGI Friday's after I ordered a Shirley Temple.
--The waitress today at TGI Friday's after I ordered a Shirley Temple.
What's the opposite of twitterpated?
Yesterday I went to Borders with my dad so he could pick up a book on how to work his new Blackberry Storm.
In the same section of the store were technology and computer books.
I was ashamed at humanity when I came across a book about Twitter.
How could a book about Twitter be more than three pages long?
I flipped through it, and the first 30 pages or so (the first chapter) was about how to start a Twitter. Can you not just log on? Is it that difficult that you need a novel to instruct you? I feel like a Twitter could TELL YOU how to WORK Twitter.
Then, later in the book was a section about how to search for Twitters. The example they gave was "Pinot Noir" and following it was a list of sample Twitters that contained the words "Pinot Noir."
Who would need to search Twitter's database for a snippet only 170 characters long? Of what possible importance could that be?
One of the sample search results was from "Joe" and said "Eating dinner on the patio with a fine novel and Pinot Noir in hand!"
Wow, good thing I know how to search for this kind of stuff. I was just about to forget what Joe was doing at 5pm on Sunday.
In the same section of the store were technology and computer books.
I was ashamed at humanity when I came across a book about Twitter.
How could a book about Twitter be more than three pages long?
I flipped through it, and the first 30 pages or so (the first chapter) was about how to start a Twitter. Can you not just log on? Is it that difficult that you need a novel to instruct you? I feel like a Twitter could TELL YOU how to WORK Twitter.
Then, later in the book was a section about how to search for Twitters. The example they gave was "Pinot Noir" and following it was a list of sample Twitters that contained the words "Pinot Noir."
Who would need to search Twitter's database for a snippet only 170 characters long? Of what possible importance could that be?
One of the sample search results was from "Joe" and said "Eating dinner on the patio with a fine novel and Pinot Noir in hand!"
Wow, good thing I know how to search for this kind of stuff. I was just about to forget what Joe was doing at 5pm on Sunday.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The World Simulator
If I had this projected on the wall of my house, or a huge screen of it in my house, I would feel like some kind of superior being.
It simulates birth and death rates, as well as CO2 emissions.
The birth/death thing alone amazes me. Look at India! NON STOP BABIES.
It simulates birth and death rates, as well as CO2 emissions.
The birth/death thing alone amazes me. Look at India! NON STOP BABIES.
Da Bulls
I was clearing out old documents from my computer today, and came across this gem...
My friend Alex and I entered a contest to win free tickets to the Bulls last season.
The contest was to win a free private suite for a bunch of games.
Unfortunately, the contest required you to write 11 reasons WHY you wanted the tickets.
Therefore, I came up with the idea to do a bunch of puns with the word "suite" in them.
And this was the sad, sad result.
Because a suite would be SWEET!
I can't wait to see my favorite team from suite home Chicago.
I can't wait for some suite talk with the XRT folks!
I'm suite for Tyrus Thomas!
I want to see the team's suite moves up close!
Because my friend didn't take me to the Bulls game she went to last year and REVENGE WOULD BE SUITE.
It'd be suite to see the Bulls stomp the Nets.
Being broke ain't suite, but going to a game for free IS!
I'll have suite dreams knowing I have tickets to the Bulls game.
I'm hoping all this suite-talk will get me there!
Who got the tix, baby
Who got the only suite-est thing in the world?
Who got the seats, who got the private suite?
Who got the only suite-est thing in the world?
My friend Alex and I entered a contest to win free tickets to the Bulls last season.
The contest was to win a free private suite for a bunch of games.
Unfortunately, the contest required you to write 11 reasons WHY you wanted the tickets.
Therefore, I came up with the idea to do a bunch of puns with the word "suite" in them.
And this was the sad, sad result.
Because a suite would be SWEET!
I can't wait to see my favorite team from suite home Chicago.
I can't wait for some suite talk with the XRT folks!
I'm suite for Tyrus Thomas!
I want to see the team's suite moves up close!
Because my friend didn't take me to the Bulls game she went to last year and REVENGE WOULD BE SUITE.
It'd be suite to see the Bulls stomp the Nets.
Being broke ain't suite, but going to a game for free IS!
I'll have suite dreams knowing I have tickets to the Bulls game.
I'm hoping all this suite-talk will get me there!
Who got the tix, baby
Who got the only suite-est thing in the world?
Who got the seats, who got the private suite?
Who got the only suite-est thing in the world?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
I love reading the "105%" articles on CollegeHumor. It is a weekly gathering of one-liner jokes that are sometimes stupid, crude, or really funny.
My friends and I were reading through them the other day and I just HAD to compile a list of my favorites:
My lesbian neighbors gave me a Rolex for my birthday. It's nice, but I think they misunderstood me when I said, 'I wanna watch'.
I recently walked in on my son smoking pot, and thought, "That's weird, I don't have any kids."
What do you call an ugly girl with no arms? Sorry I meant, "Why."
Places I'd Like to Go Before I Die: The hospital.
Even though both of my parents are dead, no one really calls me an orphan. They usually call me a murderer.
When I was a kid I used to dunk on a 7' hoop in my driveway and wait for an NBA scout to drive by and draft me. Unfortunately the chance of that happening was very slim; I lived in a culdesac.
If somebody offers you a lifetime supply of candy and there is just one piece, don't eat it: It's probably poison.
My friend told me last week that he was "High on Life." I tried it too, but couldn't get the plastic game pieces lit.
My psychic is a gifted blind man. He has a fifth sense.
When Forrest said life was like a box of chocolates, was he saying that life is a cheap and unoriginal present that's only truly enjoyable for a maximum of three days?
Whenever I buy Wendy's chili, I just pour it directly into the toilet. It's like time-traveling 20 minutes into the future.
What is blue and smells like red paint? Blue paint.
If you think that taking 21 shots on your 21st birthday is hard, just remember how hard it was for your 8th birthday.
My friend told me about how he tried to commit suicide by taking 20 Advils. Doesn't he know that he could've just taken 4 Aleves?
Do you think if Jesus was on the penny, it would be called a JC Penny?
Inner monologue of a taxi driver going by a Neo-Nazi rally
"Alright, a customer!...damn, false alarm...Alright, a customer!...damn, false alarm...Alright, a customer!...damn, false alarm..."
Sometimes, late at night I lay in bed, stare at the stars and wonder... where the hell did my roof go?
I got my dog from an orphanage like, twelve years ago. Those orphans STILL hold a grudge.
When you're fat, every shirt is a sweat-shirt.
How they named Delaware
Explorer: Where am I? Native: Delawzqeuxquzrenapolis Explorer: Delawhere?
I got punched in the face last week and it really hurt my feelings. Especially the feelings in my face.
Why is it that when I watch all the seasons of South Park back-to-back, it's called a "marathon," yet when I run 26 miles and stab 15 people along the way, it's called a "spree?"
If a jury finds someone guilty of prostitution, it's probably not a great idea for the judge to sentence him/her to community service.
Angry student: You mark my words, highlighter! You mark my words...
Bob Dylan hosts Jeopardy!
Dylan: The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind.
Contestant: What is my kite?
I thought it was ironic when my grandma started choking on a Life Saver, until it cured her cancer.
I really hate swimming. Except when I'm drowning. Then I suddenly think its awesome.
Do you think hookers go as moderately clothed college girls for Halloween?
My Grandmother just turned 84 last week. I sent her a birthday card with a check for $10 in it.
An RA came into my room yesterday and confiscated all of my weed, and I thought "That's funny, I don't live in the dorms"
I was in the hospital and I heard from one of the rooms, "Don't worry everyone, I'm gonna beat this thing." Which I thought was a really positive thing to say, until I realized it came from the maternity ward.
Could whoever is giving homeless people markers please stop? Their signs are really bumming me out.
Worm 1: Feel that? Its raining.
Worm 2: Wanna go out and die on the sidewalk?
Worm 1: God yeah.
My girlfriend saw me on the toilet and got so grossed out. I was like, "Everybody does it." And she was all like, "Let me finish peeing first."
I tried using one of those "self check-out" lines at the grocery store once, but everyone just laughed at me. Next time I'll just stick with the doctor's office.
I think the best word to describe me would be "unable to follow self imposed word count guidelines."
My friends and I were reading through them the other day and I just HAD to compile a list of my favorites:
My lesbian neighbors gave me a Rolex for my birthday. It's nice, but I think they misunderstood me when I said, 'I wanna watch'.
I recently walked in on my son smoking pot, and thought, "That's weird, I don't have any kids."
What do you call an ugly girl with no arms? Sorry I meant, "Why."
Places I'd Like to Go Before I Die: The hospital.
Even though both of my parents are dead, no one really calls me an orphan. They usually call me a murderer.
When I was a kid I used to dunk on a 7' hoop in my driveway and wait for an NBA scout to drive by and draft me. Unfortunately the chance of that happening was very slim; I lived in a culdesac.
If somebody offers you a lifetime supply of candy and there is just one piece, don't eat it: It's probably poison.
My friend told me last week that he was "High on Life." I tried it too, but couldn't get the plastic game pieces lit.
My psychic is a gifted blind man. He has a fifth sense.
When Forrest said life was like a box of chocolates, was he saying that life is a cheap and unoriginal present that's only truly enjoyable for a maximum of three days?
Whenever I buy Wendy's chili, I just pour it directly into the toilet. It's like time-traveling 20 minutes into the future.
What is blue and smells like red paint? Blue paint.
If you think that taking 21 shots on your 21st birthday is hard, just remember how hard it was for your 8th birthday.
My friend told me about how he tried to commit suicide by taking 20 Advils. Doesn't he know that he could've just taken 4 Aleves?
Do you think if Jesus was on the penny, it would be called a JC Penny?
Inner monologue of a taxi driver going by a Neo-Nazi rally
"Alright, a customer!...damn, false alarm...Alright, a customer!...damn, false alarm...Alright, a customer!...damn, false alarm..."
Sometimes, late at night I lay in bed, stare at the stars and wonder... where the hell did my roof go?
I got my dog from an orphanage like, twelve years ago. Those orphans STILL hold a grudge.
When you're fat, every shirt is a sweat-shirt.
How they named Delaware
Explorer: Where am I? Native: Delawzqeuxquzrenapolis Explorer: Delawhere?
I got punched in the face last week and it really hurt my feelings. Especially the feelings in my face.
Why is it that when I watch all the seasons of South Park back-to-back, it's called a "marathon," yet when I run 26 miles and stab 15 people along the way, it's called a "spree?"
If a jury finds someone guilty of prostitution, it's probably not a great idea for the judge to sentence him/her to community service.
Angry student: You mark my words, highlighter! You mark my words...
Bob Dylan hosts Jeopardy!
Dylan: The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind.
Contestant: What is my kite?
I thought it was ironic when my grandma started choking on a Life Saver, until it cured her cancer.
I really hate swimming. Except when I'm drowning. Then I suddenly think its awesome.
Do you think hookers go as moderately clothed college girls for Halloween?
My Grandmother just turned 84 last week. I sent her a birthday card with a check for $10 in it.
An RA came into my room yesterday and confiscated all of my weed, and I thought "That's funny, I don't live in the dorms"
I was in the hospital and I heard from one of the rooms, "Don't worry everyone, I'm gonna beat this thing." Which I thought was a really positive thing to say, until I realized it came from the maternity ward.
Could whoever is giving homeless people markers please stop? Their signs are really bumming me out.
Worm 1: Feel that? Its raining.
Worm 2: Wanna go out and die on the sidewalk?
Worm 1: God yeah.
My girlfriend saw me on the toilet and got so grossed out. I was like, "Everybody does it." And she was all like, "Let me finish peeing first."
I tried using one of those "self check-out" lines at the grocery store once, but everyone just laughed at me. Next time I'll just stick with the doctor's office.
I think the best word to describe me would be "unable to follow self imposed word count guidelines."
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I LOVE the song "Hooked On You" by Jennifer Lopez. It isn't released yet. For some unknown reason, my dance teacher here in Spain has it on CD. It is a GREAT new song.
I guarantee it will be a huge hit when it comes out and it will be EVERYWHERE.
Listen to it now to be super cool and already know about it when it comes out...
check it out on youtube...
I guarantee it will be a huge hit when it comes out and it will be EVERYWHERE.
Listen to it now to be super cool and already know about it when it comes out...
check it out on youtube...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
All My Single Ladies!
Recently one of my friends broke up with her boyfriend.
As a result, she felt the need to listen to "SINGLE LADIES" by Beyonce...many, many times a day.
If I wanted to express the happiness about being single, I wouldn't want to listen to the techno-pop treble epileptic seizure that is that song.
Therefore, I made my own "Breakup/being single" playlist. I honestly don't know about the whole breakup thing since I've never had a serious boyfriend, but still I think these songs show it well enough.
PS, most of this is pop music...just b/c it's easier to search through my 10000 iTunes songs for extremely obviously named breakup songs, usually falling in the pop music category. Also, the girl I made the list for doesn't really like non-pop music, so Buddy Guy was out of the question...
Kate Nash "Shit Song"
Because the chorus is... "Darling don't give me shit cuz I know that you're full of it."
All American Rejects "Gives You Hell"
Because the chorus is..."When you see my face, hope it gives you hell."
Aly & AJ "Potential Breakup Song"
Allmusic.com gave this a surprisingly high rating for a couple of Disney-spawned music makers. This works because of "Who would forget that? The type of guy who doesn't see what he has until she leaves."
No Doubt "Ex-Girlfriend"
Lyrics snippet: "I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriend"
Rilo Kiley "Breakin Up"
"betrayal is a thorny crown, you wear it well"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7MFL9eNqVM (Live)
Miley Cyrus "GNO, Girl's Night Out"
"It's a girl's night, I'm alright without you."
Rilo Kiley "Portions for Foxes"
"My friends tell me to leave you; That you're bad news, bad news, bad news"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FH_bvXf1-yM (Live)
Skye Sweetnam "Number One"
I just love her style. Here she is shouting her single ladies new anthem, "Now I'm living on the run, lookin' out for Number One."
Natasha Bedingfield "Single"
"[I] Don't depend on a guy to validate me...I'm single (Right now) That's how I wanna be"
The Guess Who "No Time"
"No time for the love you send; Seasons change and so did I"
As a result, she felt the need to listen to "SINGLE LADIES" by Beyonce...many, many times a day.
If I wanted to express the happiness about being single, I wouldn't want to listen to the techno-pop treble epileptic seizure that is that song.
Therefore, I made my own "Breakup/being single" playlist. I honestly don't know about the whole breakup thing since I've never had a serious boyfriend, but still I think these songs show it well enough.
PS, most of this is pop music...just b/c it's easier to search through my 10000 iTunes songs for extremely obviously named breakup songs, usually falling in the pop music category. Also, the girl I made the list for doesn't really like non-pop music, so Buddy Guy was out of the question...
Kate Nash "Shit Song"
Because the chorus is... "Darling don't give me shit cuz I know that you're full of it."
All American Rejects "Gives You Hell"
Because the chorus is..."When you see my face, hope it gives you hell."
Aly & AJ "Potential Breakup Song"
Allmusic.com gave this a surprisingly high rating for a couple of Disney-spawned music makers. This works because of "Who would forget that? The type of guy who doesn't see what he has until she leaves."
No Doubt "Ex-Girlfriend"
Lyrics snippet: "I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriend"
Rilo Kiley "Breakin Up"
"betrayal is a thorny crown, you wear it well"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7MFL9eNqVM (Live)
Miley Cyrus "GNO, Girl's Night Out"
"It's a girl's night, I'm alright without you."
Rilo Kiley "Portions for Foxes"
"My friends tell me to leave you; That you're bad news, bad news, bad news"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FH_bvXf1-yM (Live)
Skye Sweetnam "Number One"
I just love her style. Here she is shouting her single ladies new anthem, "Now I'm living on the run, lookin' out for Number One."
Natasha Bedingfield "Single"
"[I] Don't depend on a guy to validate me...I'm single (Right now) That's how I wanna be"
The Guess Who "No Time"
"No time for the love you send; Seasons change and so did I"
Thursday, March 12, 2009
In the loop
My friend posted on facebook that he was watching the new video from Britney Spears' new album, Circus.
Her third single is called "If You Seek Amy."
I have heard of it before, and it was all about this "controversial and cheeky" new song. I thought it was because she mentions being with guys and girls.
I was like "ok, that's what Katy Perry did, and Britney is being more indirect about it, so why is it such a big deal?"
And even in the video, it begins with a news anchorwoman saying "this new Britney song, If You Seek Amy, spells out controversy!"
Um, so I didn't get it and had to rely on Wikipedia to clear stuff up for me once again.
Therefore, don't feel stupid when I just spell it out for you.
Get it?
I sure as heck didn't the first...100 times around.
Her third single is called "If You Seek Amy."
I have heard of it before, and it was all about this "controversial and cheeky" new song. I thought it was because she mentions being with guys and girls.
I was like "ok, that's what Katy Perry did, and Britney is being more indirect about it, so why is it such a big deal?"
And even in the video, it begins with a news anchorwoman saying "this new Britney song, If You Seek Amy, spells out controversy!"
Um, so I didn't get it and had to rely on Wikipedia to clear stuff up for me once again.
Therefore, don't feel stupid when I just spell it out for you.
Get it?
I sure as heck didn't the first...100 times around.
Monday, March 9, 2009
I occasionally comment on videos and articles at collegehumor.com
Here is a recent video I commented on:
I went back today to see if anyone responded to any comments I posted and found this.

I wasn't actually being serious, it's just the last time I ever played Street Fighter...on my grey gameboy.
Because the last time I SAW it was in movie form on USA.
Here is a recent video I commented on:
I went back today to see if anyone responded to any comments I posted and found this.

I wasn't actually being serious, it's just the last time I ever played Street Fighter...on my grey gameboy.
Because the last time I SAW it was in movie form on USA.
video games
Monday, February 2, 2009
Music Snob
I was watching an interview of a star from this teen show i watch, and they asked her what type of music she likes and she was like "old school reggae, and some kings of leon."
I feel like people always try to sound cool with that. I wish someone would PLEASE go into an interview and say "I really love WHAM! as well as Hilary Duff, but only her early stuff, nothing post-lizzie mcguire."
Please, someone needs to do this.
I feel like people always try to sound cool with that. I wish someone would PLEASE go into an interview and say "I really love WHAM! as well as Hilary Duff, but only her early stuff, nothing post-lizzie mcguire."
Please, someone needs to do this.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Just try a little Wig Wam Bam!
I just found a place where I could download the song "Wig Wam Bam" by the Sweet. I have been looking for this song for FOREVER. You have no idea. This makes my life that much more complete.
Now I can listen to it 23904879387 times!
I will slowly but surely move it up to top played in iTunes. Done and DONE!
Now I can listen to it 23904879387 times!
I will slowly but surely move it up to top played in iTunes. Done and DONE!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
MMMm, octopus
As I browse gospain.about.com and look at the top ten Spanish foods for my trip, I saw that number two was "Pulpo a la Gallega" aka Galician Octopus. I told this to my brother, who responded "like Oswald?"


Yes, like Oswald.
PS, the site I was visiting was


Yes, like Oswald.
PS, the site I was visiting was
Friday, January 2, 2009
The Wonders of Travel
As I prepare for my 5-month trip to Spain, I have become more and more concerned about the trip, including what to bring and such.
Today was quite interesting, since I was discussing the safety issue. You may know that in Spain, it is very common to be robbed or pickpocketed. At school in Chicago, I carry pepper spray in my purse, and I fortunately have never needed to use it.
I thought about whether or not I would be allowed to bring this with me to Spain. I went to the TSA website, and discovered that aerosols are not allowed on either carry-on OR checked luggage. UNLESS, of course, it is for personal care. Then I discovered a whole section of the site dedicated to weaponry, including pepper spray. And yes, it is allowed on checked luggage. But apparently Spain has laws regarding the chemical makeup of the spray, so I have to look more in-depth as to what kind I have.
But in this section, I also discovered that Nunchakus, throwing stars, and Kabutons are allowed in checked luggage as well. PHEW. I'll be set then.
This discussion of pepper spray and attacks led my mom to try and convince us to buy a taser, Veronica Mars-style. This led to the inevitable, "Mom, I am NOT getting a taser for Spain!" Every family's discussion about travel, I know.
She is still arguing with me to look up if they are legal or not.
oh, and the Veronica Mars thing? view this...
Today was quite interesting, since I was discussing the safety issue. You may know that in Spain, it is very common to be robbed or pickpocketed. At school in Chicago, I carry pepper spray in my purse, and I fortunately have never needed to use it.
I thought about whether or not I would be allowed to bring this with me to Spain. I went to the TSA website, and discovered that aerosols are not allowed on either carry-on OR checked luggage. UNLESS, of course, it is for personal care. Then I discovered a whole section of the site dedicated to weaponry, including pepper spray. And yes, it is allowed on checked luggage. But apparently Spain has laws regarding the chemical makeup of the spray, so I have to look more in-depth as to what kind I have.
But in this section, I also discovered that Nunchakus, throwing stars, and Kabutons are allowed in checked luggage as well. PHEW. I'll be set then.
This discussion of pepper spray and attacks led my mom to try and convince us to buy a taser, Veronica Mars-style. This led to the inevitable, "Mom, I am NOT getting a taser for Spain!" Every family's discussion about travel, I know.
She is still arguing with me to look up if they are legal or not.
oh, and the Veronica Mars thing? view this...
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