Friday, February 15, 2008

iBienvenidos! (Welcome!)

Hola! Enter my new domain (pun!)!
I really don't know what to start with other than explaining a few quick things (first and last thing that will be quick, I'm usually long-winded).

1. De Todo Un Poco. If you don't speak Spanish, the rough translation is "a little bit of everything" or more literally "of everything a little." I should probably use more Spanish seeing as that I may minor in it, so I could write a few posts here in Espanol. But the title I thought was fitting, because there will not be a set topic of this blog. Just thoughts and comments, recipes, and stuff to do when you're bored. I know I won't just complain about life, unless I think it is worth sharing. And by worth sharing, I mean you will laugh at my misery/pain.
I can't really pinpoint any interests of mine, they are across the board, regarding music, movies, hobbies, even friends' personalities. I have a bit of everything, and that's how I like it. I get tired of things easily, and start up new interests almost immediately.

2. In Your Natural Habitat. I was walking from class the other day when I saw a car full of people stop at the stop sign, blocking the entire one-way street, and basically do a Chinese Fire Drill (not really, but everyone got out of the car and was getting something out of another part of the car). They then all got back in, put on the emergency lights and proceeded to block the lane. Of course, cars piled up behind them and were honking to get through. I thought to myself "I love watching stupid people in their natural habitat." Hence, the name of the site. However, I am not saying that you readers are stupid people. Your Natural Habitat just seemed right, because I hope that at least one entry will apply to every readers' interests at some point.

So, enjoy this blog, however long it lasts. Maybe next entry I'll write about carrots! Or Powerpuff Girls. Or both!

Well, so much for being short and sweet.
Ciao bella!

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