Monday, March 17, 2008

sweet dreams are made of these

I love that I can vividly remember my dreams.

Last night I dreamed that I had this secret power that I could harness the humidity in the air and make people visible again (since there was a disease sweeping the local elementary school that was causing kids to disappear, duh). So I went to the school and scooped up the humidity and threw it at the children in a giant ball (street fighter/mortal kombat style). Then the kids would stop fading away and they were visible again. Then the school day was over and all the kids were getting picked up from school. Unfortunately I had no ride home. Then a car pulled up, driven by KATIE HOLMES HERSELF, with a ton of passengers in it. It was like a 5-seater, but there were like 5 people in the backseat alone. Anyways, she offered me a ride, so I hopped in the passenger seat, and I had to sit on (guess who!) M NIGHT SHYAMALAN'S lap. So the entire ride to whereever we were going, he and I were talking about his movies and how cool he was (he was modest, I was the one discussing his coolness). Then we arrived at his house which was an enormous mansion. There was a giant fountain, and behind it was a small corn field and I was impressing him with all the trivia i knew from imdb and wikipedia, asking if that was the corn field that they filmed Signs in. And it WAS. (of course, the corn field was small, and they CGI'ed the rest of it). There were also these creepy/weird statues in front of the enormous fountain, that could only come from the mind of M. Night Shyamalan. Oh, and there was a huge party at his house. And I almost was cast in his new movie.


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