Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thinking out loud, edition 1

Have you ever thought something that only makes sense to you, but you said it out loud and made a complete fool of yourself?

I find that this happens when you have a train of thought going on in your head, and then no one around you knows where the hell what you just said came from.

An example today, where i PREVENTED myself from acting a fool:

So there has been a nickel sitting on the edge of the arm of the couch in our living room area that has been there for three days now. I have wondered why none of my roommmates have claimed it, since it has been there so long. And why a nickel? Why no other coin? A penny is understandable, I mean, those are everywhere, and who the heck wants a penny?

So today in class, I am walking to my seat and next to this one girl's backpack and purse pile, there is a nickel on the ground.
I was thinking "Another nickel? Why are there nickels everywhere?!" And I almost said that out loud, but I held it in.

Can you imagine what people would have thought? They would have thought I was crazy. Unless they already do, which is understandable.

What are your random "thinking out loud" thoughts? don't even explain them, they are so much better when you don't know the story leading up to them.

1 comment:

Madeline said...

Where IS that nickel from!?!? I'm leaving it, just in case it's cursed.