Thursday, April 3, 2008

Humans are disgusting creatures.

I was thinking how basically every part of the human body is gross. Is there a part that isn't disgusting? The mouth, for example, has morning breath, is the first part of your digestive system, it kisses strangers, perhaps even swapping spit, etc etc.

The hands touch everything around you, picking up germs here and there. They also handle your food, which you eat! EW! They rub your eyes when you're tired, etc. etc.

So, my question is, which body part is the least disgusting? I guess something lame like "the back" or something like "shoulder" could win, but those are lame, only connecting parts of the major body parts.

Or, what is the most disgusting?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My arms...cuz I'm "ARMed and dangerous" Zing! But seriously folks...