Thursday, April 3, 2008

Is it that much to ask? Really?

I went to my school's food market, and they don't carry Vanilla ice cream. Sure, you'd think it's no big deal, except for the fact that they carry every single Ben &Jerry's flavor in the inventory, but I can't get a freaking plain ice cream.

No...instead, I can get blueberry whipped coconut pineapple waffle cones in marshmallow creme and caramel sauce. Or banana yogurt with raw cookie dough and coffee mocha-frappa-whatsa with a cherry on top BUT I CANNOT GET A FREAKING TUB OF VANILLA ICE CREAM.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Be careful there, you start crying over ice cream and end up recording tapes for a lover that left you. Oh wait, that's from "Things I never told you" by Isabel Coixet. Finding the right ice cream flavour is so important sometimes...