Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Martha is a FOOL

Happy day-after-April-Fool's-day Day!!!

So, my teacher, the most predictable of all, pulled what he thought was the CLEVEREST PRANK OF ALL on our class yesterday. Can you guess what it was? Think: teacher, prank. Teacher, prank.

Give up?


And I knew it was a prank.

He was all "someone informed me that no one has been keeping up with the readings [true, but i had kept up with the readings...and if you were keeping up, you should've been done reading the entire book three weeks ago, so he was screwing over even people who had read]." So he then passes around some quizzes, saying "if you HAVE been keeping up, then this should be no problem."

Immediately, I'm like DING!, it's a prank. He'd totally do this. I mean, he's the kind of teacher who drinks Coca-Cola to feel like a kid again (and he does), or has a giant photo of Mickey Mouse in Disneyworld in his office (and he does).

So I turn to my friends and say "dude, this is totally a prank...he'd totally do this."
So I just sit and stare at the paper until he says "can anyone say APRIL FOOL'S?!?!" and there's a whole bunch of "UGH! HEY! GEEZ! You're so MEAN! Ugh! You got me! haHA!"s flying around until it dies down. I swear...sometimes the girls in this class (seriously, THREE boys...20 girls) are not too sharp.

As for the fact that we don't actually do the readings, he said "Eh, it's your own loss...if you'd been reading, then it'd improve the work on your assignments, and that's your problem."

And the only other prank I saw that day was pretty funny:
On the bulletin board on our floor, someone had posted an "ad" that read:

You wanna learn how to dance? Joe Smith(or whatever his name was) knows how! And he'll teach you, free! He is offering personal dance lessons starting April 1st in his room, (insert room number here)! Call today, since spaces are limited!

Then there was a picture of the guy mid-dance, and on the bottom were those little flags you can tear off with his name and cell number. I am sure he got tons of phone calls and was like "what the heck are these people talking about?!"
It was SO choice. I wish I took a picture of this, but by the time I thought of that, the ads were gone.


And today on the Martha Stewart Show...
Seth Meyers was on! He's like, my fave from Saturday Night Live. Apparently he is head writer now, so he only appears on Weekend Update, and writes the rest of the time. No more funny skits!!! THIS STINKS!

But he was hilarious and I wish I had taped the episode.

They made "rhubarb fool" for April Fool's day (I watched 10 minutes of this nonsense and still really have no idea what this dessert is), and Martha, as usual, was being super awkward and annoying. She was teaching him how to cook, and by "teaching" I mean "being very condescending".
There was a part that required a food processor, and she was like "Here, Seth, put this mix into the food you have one of these?"
Seth: No.
Martha: Have you ever seen a food processor before?
Seth: No.
Martha: Do you cook? Ever?
Seth: No.

Martha: Do you have a kitchen?
Seth: Yes.

Then she was teaching him how to use it...
Seth: ooh, this should be pretty easy, I only see an on/off switch!
Martha: Just hit "on" and wait for it to mix until smooth. You're doing very good!
Seth: Thanks, I know.
Martha: All right, we can take this out now. Did you see the pulse button? That's good for cleaning the blades and such. Here, push that button.
*seth pushes the pulse button*
Seth: OOH! AHH!
Martha: You like that?
Seth: (sarcastic) Yes, of the three choices of On, Off, and Pulse, it's my favorite.

Then when they were done, he made a funny little quip: "You could throw a comma in there and be all 'We're making some rhubarb, FOOL!'"

Overall he was just being awesome, and Martha was being condescending, as she is with all her guests.

Oh, and Jonas Brothers were on Ellen today.
The middle Jonas basically admitted that girls just walk into their house now, wanting to meet them.

And since we're on the topic of Jonas Brothers,
if anyone wants to purchase me the Hannah Montana/Jonas Brothers concert DVD whenever it comes out....

that'd be pretty sweeeeet.

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